Amidst all the heat-caused chaos, some treasures are blooming. My favorite right now is the clematis Roguchi:
In the greenhouse, the little amaryllis relative, Griffinia liboniana has quickly thrown a flower spike:
And even more quickly, it bloomed!
Lastly, the Eucomis hybrids that I grew from seed about six years ago are blooming. Here is one impressive spike:
I harvested my fava beans yesterday and cooked them up–will eat them for lunch tomorrow. I ripped the plants out of the bed and fertilized it with Happy Frog before planting seedlings of the Wonderberry there I had started in the greenhouse. Apparently, these are Solanum retroflexum (formerly Solanum x burbankii, a hybrid originating from the great Luther Burbank). See more info here.
It is too hot to do much other garden work, but cooler weather is coming next week. I’ll look to get some chores done (and document them) next week.