June Garden Updates

Because of the cool weather, the June garden features some carry-over May blooms. Below is a photo dump of the June garden and greenhouse blooms/plants.

This tangle of green is a magnet for birds, like towhees and chickadees.
Nice lighting on the memory garden today.
Eryngium putting on a huge show this year. It gets bigger every year.
The blue is just starting to show.
The Shasta daisies are starting to bloom.
This salvia never fails to put on a show.
It is happiest growing over the curb, gathering heat from the pavement.
The hardy geraniums are at their peak this month.
Alliums are still looking good, both in flower and going to seed.
Geranium pratense has flowers that glow.
Geranium pratense glowing in the sun.
The Santa Barbara daisies suffered some die back over the winter but are starting to shine again.
Native pollinators love these little daisies.
Geraniums from the sun side!
Great colors!
Hippeastrelia blooming in the greenhouse. This pot had five spikes this year, zero last year.
More alliums.
The peonies peaked in early June.
Valerian, which smells amazing–the garden heliotrope.
Peach-leaved bellflowers put on a show early in June.
One of the last of the poppies in the driveway bed.
Seed-grown amaryllis in the greenhouse.
Last of the orchid cactus flowers.
Gladiolus going to seed in the memory garden.
Elegant, sinister, and smelling of rotting flesh–voodoo lilies!
Tayberries are getting ripe in the orchard garden.
This Lathyrus hybrid is putting on quite a show.
Goumi berries ripening on the shrub that has gotten way too tall!
I had no idea bindweed leaves could get so huge in the shade!
A native orange butt in the orchard garden.