Arboretum Visit

Brother Tim and I took a quick trip to the Washington Park Arboretum and we hiked around on Sunday afternoon.  Here is brother Tim near a pair of especially graceful, mossy and licorice-fern covered maples:


Probably the prettiest thing we saw was this Chinese Golden Rain Tree, Koerelteria elegans:


Always a favorite of ours, and a plant whose offspring are in pots in our yard, the blue sausage tree, Decaisnea fargesii:


Another of my favorites, the delectable Daphniphyllum macropodum:


The Camellia Sasanqua hybrids are blooming and are stunning!

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Darmera peltata, I think, is below.  The flowers are surprisingly lovely, especially coming so late in the year:


This Fuchsia hybrid was graceful and gorgeous in this hanging container:


The Franklinia was blooming, as well, as the autumn set in around it.


From the greenhouse this weekend, I noticed this Streptocarpus flower that I hadn’t seen before–very remarkable.

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