Nursery visit and early camellias

Brother Tim joined me on getting a jump on spring by going to Sky Nursery for the afternoon.

Here are some of the beautiful things we saw:


Possibly over-bright and cheerful, but as winter wears on I appreciate the loud colors of a nursery-imposed spring more than I normally would.


I’m too cheap to pay for the primroses at the nursery prices, but I appreciate their beauty.  This one had the most delicate picotee edge and a more graceful form than most.  I ended up picking up three at Fred Meyer that I like for less than half–they aren’t perfect, but they add the perfect cheer in the blue-glazed ceramic pot outside the front porch.


Here is a precocious Tiarella blooming beautifully.  I will add this to the wish list for the Douglas fir bed–just he perfect amount of pink to white and just showy enough without being gaudy.

And here is Brother Tim behind a shelf of primroses…not the graceful ones, really, but an amazing flush of color.


Here are some pictures of an early blooming Camellia at Ingraham High School.


I love this very delicate pink and the form is interesting, too.