I plan to do some organizing and repotting in the coming weeks. As part of that process, I decided to increase my favorite plants through some starts from Ebay.
There are sellers that will send streptocarpus leaves for cuttings, and I ordered a dozen of those. Unfortunately, they landed right before I went on vacation. I potted them up, but when I got back they already had wilted and some had shriveled up to nothing. This is especially sad, as I received leaves of some awesome cultivars. Hopefully some of the survivors will root, but it seems unlikely…I might need to order them again when I can take better care of them. I’ve had great success with leaf cuttings before.
One of my favorite and successful greenhouse plants are the Pleione orchids. I only have Pleione formosana, so thought I would try some different kinds. One seller had a batch of ten bulblets for a reasonable price, and he has some nice species and cultivars, so I ordered them. Today they landed and I potted them up. Here are some Pleione pics to give an idea of what possibilities exist.
I’ll post another update this weekend, once I start to repot and get organized. I expect I’ll find all kinds of treasures I’ve forgotten about.
The rain lilies in the greenhouse bloomed really nicely the last week or so–more flowers than I’ve had before. These are seedlings I grew of Habranthus robustus.