Denise Heekin makes this amazing ceramic birds! It’s tough not to just buy them all!
She also incorporates them into gorgeous vessels.
I adore flickers, and this vessel does my “spirit bird” proud!
This vessel has Steller’s jays, which is great–we had a pair near the patio this morning, chiding us for some unknown offense.
Arliss Newcomb makes these happy stones with words and faces.
Janet Still has some spectacular ceramic sculpture displayed in our driveway. She’s sold the most so far.
Another awesome Janet Still sculpture.
Another Janet Still sculpture.
You get an idea of the display here–tables full of goodies!
Diane Boone’s jewelry on display–she’s talking to Leon there in the background.
This is a “river glass” window piece that Leon’s cousin Ed Ford created. It was pretty spectacular with the morning light coming through it.
Another one of Ed’s windows–very cheerful in the bright light.