In several spots, there were hardy cyclamen plants making a show. They look great under trees, just graceful and simple. I especially like this soft lilac shade.
Our favorite species fuchsia was blooming really well. This substantial shrub has been in the same place at least twenty years, near the greenhouses by the visitor’s center.
Another view.
We saw this brilliant aster near the greenhouses, as well.
We stumbled on large clumps of colchicum flowers. The rain had beaten them down pretty badly, but they still provided some cheer.
We never found the tag for this shrub, but I had o take a picture–the leaves were incredibly graceful.
Not a great photo, but it was fun to see this azalea in flower.
And some rhododendrons, too.
I think this was a Callistemon that had formed seeds. If any of them come up, we’ll find out. They were quite striking, like wood with an intricate pattern.
Brother Tim in front of some amazing grasses.
A liquidamber tree and a red maple starting to light up the sky.
Another view. The blue, blue sky helped highlight the leaf colors.