Here are two Japanese maples–a laceleaf one in front and a fuller leafed one in back. The contrast of texture is interesting and the color is brilliant this time of year.
Close-up of the laceleaf variety.
This isn’t a clear picture, but it is pretty cool–these are the dropped maple leaves on the gravel path in the woodland garden.
Close-up of one of the fuller maple leaves.
Bright red leaves and ceramic mushrooms make a vibrant scene.
Redbud growing in a pot on the back patio. The leaves color very differently than most, with beige around the veins and bright yellow on the rest of the leaves.
Another patio tree–possibly a hawthorn, but not sure. It hasn’t ever bloomed.
I winterized the seedlings on the shelf next to the house today, taking them out of the trays I keep them in for the warmer months. There are some pretty cool plants here. I can’t wait to give them more attention starting next spring!
The greenhouse is “stuffed to the gills,” as brother Tim would say.
Here are some seedlings from arboretum seeds. I need to investigate these.
I put the heeled in perennials to sleep today with a cover of leaves and needles.
Hard to believe there are 200+ perennials under this light mulch! I hope they survive and thrive throughout the winter.
The asters in the Doug fir bed are still blooming–the light frost last night didn’t phase them at all.
I took great pains to shake the dame’s rocket seed heads all over the Doug fir bed to make sure I have a lot of new plants next year. It appears to have worked! Thousands of seedlings are up and growing. Hopefully, they will make it safely through to spring.
This mullein is growing robustly in the lawn near the driveway bed. I’ll move it early next spring.
Soft pink linaria that brother Tim planted in the driveway bed.
Raspberries don’t get enough credit as garden plants. There is so much beauty in their autumn leaves!
More views of raspberry leaves.
More aster flowers, these ones near the driveway.
Gorgeous leaf from winter hazel.
And another…
And another…
Another gorgeous raspberry.
Hakone grass starting to color up as the cool weather sets in.
This honeysuckle stump on the back patio is full of life–fungus sprouting the moist weather.