A dianthus blooming in a pot near the driveway. This single, brave bloom looked chilly and wet but added some color to a gray day.
Rose hips on the crazy wild rose at the end of the driveway. These are festive, and I probably should make tea with them, but I never remember before they disappear.
This Verbascum has gotten huge and fallen leaves are wedging in between its woolly leaves.
Lamium looks fresh this time of year.
Close-up of the Lamium leaves.
Algerian ivy from brother Tim trying to escape from the Doug fir bed. The leaves are real stand-outs this time of year.
Ivy close-up.
Aucuba looking shiny fresh.
A single white borage blooming in the veggie bed.
Very hardy geranium blooming in a pot near the veggie beds.
A few streptocarpus are blooming in the greenhouse still. There are so many plants in there, I can’t get close to these to get a better photo!
I was a little surprised to see these nasturtiums blooming at the back of the greenhouse. It doesn’t look like it has gotten cold in there at all.
Seedling pelargonium blooming at the sunny end of the greenhouse.
Plectranthus humbly flowering in the greenhouse.
Another streptocarpus that doesn’t seem to know it is December.
When I opened the greenhouse door, a sweet smell overwhelmed me. It was the angel’s trumpet, with two perfect blooms.
The second bloom and there is another bud coming!