I’m just posting a bunch of pictures tonight–will try to catch up with captions later.
Snakefly on the fence–I’ve never seen one before. Tulip Antoinette in the memory garden Another view… Antoinette These turn from cream to yellow to pink-striped. Showy lilac at the Licton Springs P-Patch More tulips–I really like these! Row of tulips. Catmint in the memory bed. This one started blooming mid-April. Another view… Lots of seed-grown columbines. A lighter pink. Hardy Geranium “Bill Wallis” Close-up of “Bill Wallis” More photos of Antoinette. Antoinette Antoinette Antoinette More Columbines And more… Lychnis coming up behind Coelogyne cristata Mildly fragrant Pelargonium papilionaceum Cymbidum hybrid from Karl Huffbauer Baby Acacias and Nasturtiums Volunteer nasturtium in GH Antoinette Antoinette These bloomed for about 3 weeks and changed color every day Tulipa linifolia in the Woodland Garden Mona with a new haircut Bodhi, also recently groomed Cherry grafts that appear to have “taken” Clivia & Cymbidium Coelogyne and Cymbidium Hakea seedlings Pleione formosana Freesia laxa Clivia miniata Azalea at NSC Near my workplace–Tree Peony Glowing tulip Clover plant from Brother Tim Sinningia “Freckles” at my office
Deinostigma tamianaAnother office plant