Another online purchase with an unknown vendor, I’ve had this vine for at least a dozen years. For the longest time, I didn’t know what it was, but recently I saw it featured online. The stand-out feature of this plant is its aggressive, rampant growth. The social media post I saw recently started as an innocent request for identification and devolved into stern warnings about how this plant has escaped and taken over parts of the world!
I don’t actually directly take care of this plant at all. I honestly have no idea where it is rooted at this point, Yet every year its dangerous tendrils creep to the roof of the greenhouse, clambering over neighbors as they go.
One year, I gave a cutting to brother Tim for his balcony, and with all the heat and sun he gets, the plant actually bloomed. The flowers were not showy, but they had a light pleasant fragrance.

Above is the vine as of 4.10.20.