Well, the sun is stimulating me, for one. Sadly, I’m trapped indoors with the stay-at-home order, but I wander around on my breaks and on weekends. Below is a gallery of photos from the greenhouse and garden over the last few weeks.
Not positive which white cruciferous cushion this is…maybe Aubrieta “Snowdrift”–grown from seed in 2018. This Clivia seedling blooming for the first time: Orange Sherbet is what I will call this. More of Orange Sherbet This seedling has magnificent, long florets in a huge flower ball. Close-up of Orange Sherbet. I happened to notice this seedling, blooming for the first time, hidden on the floor of the greenhouse. I put it up on the shelf. It is showing a promising peachy color, and the cross it came from is Peach x Salmon. Tulips have jumped up quickly in the sun. First-time blooming Erodium “Sweetheart” in the memory garden. Dwarf Euphorbia characias blooming well–from Annie’s Annuals in fall of 2018.
Very perennial Narcissus in the driveway bed. Trillium in the Douglas fir bed. Pelargonium papilonaceum starting to bloom in the greenhouse.