Plant-A-Day 2020 (Day 113) Streptocarpus hybrids

Every spring I trudge out to the greenhouse and pull out all of these Cape Primroses and clean them up and topdress or repot them. They really don’t look like much. I did this activity today, and here is what I ended up with:

In addition to these, I have three other blooming-sized plants that I planted on earlier, and three pots of starts that I got when I accidentally broke divisions off as I was removing spent flower stems (a hazard of cleaning the plants up, which is why smart people use clippers to cut the old stems).

Within a month, flower buds will be poking up on all of these plants and in six weeks and for the rest of the summer, they will be smothered in magnificent blooms.

Typical of me to not have these labeled and have no idea which varieties I own. But that doesn’t take away from their beauty.

My clean-up and repotting of the plants this spring included putting them in fresh Espoma organic potting mix with some grit and organic fertilizer, with a whole Jobe’s organic plant spike in each pot, broken in two and tucked on the sides at the top of the soil in each pot. I’m hoping this formula gives them the energy they need to be super floriferous.

May 2020 update–the unfurling flower spikes of my streptocarpus add a graceful element to the greenhouse.