Plant-A-Day 2020 ( Day 126) Heuchera sanguinea

My earliest memories of this plant are from a rock garden at the home my parents had in Burien in my earliest childhood. I think this used to be a much more popular perennial, but the other Heuchera plants with brilliantly colored foliage have surpassed this bright bloomer in popularity.

I’m not sure if it is nostalgia or the color and presentation of the flowers, but I still really like this plant. I grew some from seed in 2018 for the memory garden–many of them germinated and grew, but I didn’t transition them well to the garden and only ended up with three of them. I’ve seen photos of big patches of these in bloom and that makes an outstanding spectacle. I probably won’t ever have that many of them, but I’m glad I have a few.

My 2020 plans for these plants are to keep them fed and watered and enjoy their very red flowers.