This plant, the Society Garlic, was somewhat unusual as a garden plant in Seattle until about ten or twelve years ago when it started popping up in nurseries and garden centers everywhere. It is a fun bulbous plant from southern Africa that has fairly plain green strap-like leaves with a hint of gray and bright pink blooms that put on a real show. The first time I was really impressed by this plant was a trip to Bainbridge Island. There were two interesting plants in outside planters, one a crinum lily and the other a fine specimen of Society Garlic.

This past autumn, we were in Prescott, Arizona visiting our friends Arliss and Mike and in their high desert garden, they had one of these plants blooming. When I got home and rejoined the Pacific Bulb Society, they had a seed and bulb exchange and seeds of this plant were available so I asked for some. They germinated readily and I have about six strong seedlings in the greenhouse With any luck, I’ll have a few plants like the above in the memory garden and in pots around the patio next year.
One of my seedlings bloomed! Here is what it looks like: