I’ve never been a big fan of African violets. This plant arrived without an invitiation. I had ordered another plant from Hirt’s online catalog that was an outside perennial and when I unpacked the order, there was a sad little African violet in there instead of the hardy perennial. So, this plant started out as a disappointment, but it has climbed up the favorites list to a safe position.
The great things about this plant are that it is easy to grow and adaptable–it doesn’t seem as fussy as some Saintpaulias I’ve known. It also is not shy to bloom. And lastly, it reproduces well through division and leaf cuttings. So, my original plant has expended to at least six.
The challenging things about this plant are that it grows too fast, so it fills out smaller pots so fast I can’t keep up with repotting. Also, sometimes the leaves start looking anemic for no apparent reason–they turn yellow and crisp up. Mostly, the challenges are mine and not the plant’s. I haven’t perfected my African violet growing game just yet.

My future goals for these plants include staying on top of their potting needs and light requirements and hoping to get some show-quality blooming plants in 2021.