Spring is starting to snowball in the garden and the greenhouse. Here are some random updates from the last week.
The hybrid crocus looked particularly good this week…I couldn’t resist a few pictures.The very first tulip of 2021…here is a species tulip blooming in mid-March. Lots more are coming.
Erodium pelargoniflorum “Sweetheart” getting sweeter and sweeter by the day.
It looks like the Pleione orchids are going to be generous with their blooms this year–I counted at least 16 buds today!
Related to the Pleione orchids, I’ve decided to gather moss to add to my orchid mix going forward. March seems a good time to gather it. I found a bunch on the cement benches at Amy Yee Tennis Center this weekend, so I loaded a bunch up in empty tennis ball cans and brought them home.I think this is the jungle cactus hybrid, White Christmas. It is a bit late for its namesake holiday, but I’m super happy to have a few holiday cactus blooms in the greenhouse this month.My plant hoarding continues. As I walked around near the tennis center, I found a bunch of lovely Hebe shrubs neglected in a public planting, so I grabbed a few cuttings. I also grabbed a heel cutting from a bluish juniper or cypress growing next to an apartment building. I got seeds from some black locust and also from a hawthorn and some odd shrubs growing on the Amy Yee property. All of these have been planted now–we’ll see if any of them start and add to my hoard!