June Greenhouse Flowers

Despite all the warm weather, or maybe because of it, the greenhouse is full of colorful surprises.

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I’ve had this Sinningia leucothrica for many years.  This is the first year it has had two bloom spikes.  It has an interesting growth habit, with the large felted leaves and lovely orange blooms.


I’ve also had this begonia for many years and it has cheerful flowers.


This seedling geranium has brilliant flowers.  While the form isn’t the greatest, you can’t argue with the flower power.  If I had it outside, it likely could be spotted from the moon!


The most consistent amaryllis that I own–this beauty blooms reliably every year.


Hippeastrelia bloom–this clump ended up having three gorgeous blooms.  The shape and color are everything, as they are not fragrant, but you can’t have everything and I can’t get enough of this hybrid.

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Probably my biggest weakness in gardening is labeling.  I ordered 13 streptocarpus leaves off Ebay years ago and they came labeled.  I never believed that the leaves would root, so didn’t bother to label them carefully.  And, amazingly, they rooted and produced beautiful plants with stunning flowers.  Streptocarpus grow perfectly in my cool greenhouse–I just keep them pretty dry in the winter and either top dress or repot them each year.  I water from below and fertilize with compost tea.  I will be taking some leaf cuttings to increase my stock this year.

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This flowering maple, grown from seeds (Bella mixed) five or six years ago, blooms reliably with papery pink flowers.  I only noticed the aphids on this plant after I looked at the last photo–another benefit of blogging!  I’ll spray those off.