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Garden Clean Up

Today was the perfect day to get some outdoor chores done. I started in the orchard garden cleaning up the raspberry canes, pruning off the dead canes, and cutting the living canes down to 3-4 feet.

I cut back the iochroma, as well, and the Sophora japonica suckers. Then, I tackled the camellia, taking it back far enough to reset the berry trellises that were falling over from the camellia pressure. I cleaned up all the berry canes. It does not look like we will get too many blackberries this year on the thornless canes but there are many tayberry canes and I am hoping they make up for the blackberries. The black raspberries look pretty weak this year, too. I will get some organic berry food and give them a boost.

Moving across to the driveway bed, I propped one of the columnar apple trees up away from the sculpture it was leaning against. There is a bunch more pruning to do–maybe next weekend.

My big priority today was to clean up the road next to the memory bed and the sidewalk on the other side of it. It was so much work getting the fir needles and random dirt scraped up! It looks so infinitely better, though. I will revisit it again after a few dry days and sweep up the rest of the debris. Much progress was made today.

There are some beautiful flowers around the garden and greenhouse, so here are some photos.

Crocus Photos and a New Shed

Snowdrops were the only flowers in January here at the house. February, though, brought crocus and forsythia blooms. Crocus in flower are so photogenic that I go a little wild with the pictures, but I will add them here, anyway, since they are such a joy at a tough time of year.

Leon purchased a metal shed through Wayfair that required assembly. We tackled it this weekend. As always, the instructions were almost useless! But we persevered and got the thing 80% complete. It will be housed just outside the greenhouse and will hold garden tools and supplies.

First Flowers of 2023

Despite the icy weather we had weeks ago, the snowdrops are already blooming in the memory garden.

Meanwhile, the early signs of spring in the house took the form of some fun miniature narcissus, N. bulbocodium ‘White Petticoat’ in the forcing pot I brought inside. The growth is a bit awkward due to the lack of light but the flowers are charming.

Given all signs pointing to spring, I focused on organizing my seed inventory today. Leon has been helping to clean out a deceased friend’s house and he found a perfect little seed storage unit. I went through all the packets and organized them by start date. There are a LOT of seeds. I am really excited to get started, though!

Photo Dump–January

With our new dog, there have been lots of walks around the neighborhood and I have seen things that I thought were beautiful and worth a photo. I also took pictures of flowers here at the house and of the bare, but cleaned-up garden so I can compare in May when all the growth has happened and the flowers are out.

The Gardening New Year

I found some unexpected time to do some gardening today and the weather was perfect, more like April than January.

My first chore was to move the bulbs I potted for forcing back outside to the shelves along the greenhouse. I moved them into the greenhouse during a very cold spell we had two weeks ago with temperatures around 18 degrees. My past experience with potted bulbs is that very cold temps and deeply frozen soil ruin them. The “Little Heater That Could” managed to keep the greenhouse temps above freezing through the cold spell and the bulb pots seem fine and ready to start forcing. There is still some rat activity in the greenhouse so it was important to move those pots before the bulbs were devoured.

A mix of iris and crocus–hoping they have had time to get strong roots and will bloom on the windowsill in the next week or two.

One of my 2023 resolutions is to tackle all the English ivy in my yard. I started today by peeling some off the Douglas fir. It will be a lengthy battle but it felt wonderful to get started on day one of the year.

Public Enemy Number One — looks innocent enough but wants to take over the planet.
I peeled about half of the ivy down from the Douglas fir and cut the vines. I will take it all the way down to the ground next time and start pulling up all the vines that are spread all over the garden.
You can see all the vines snaking up the tree. They are really brittle so they break off when you pull them.
Hundreds of tentacles!

There are signs of life already despite the cold temperatures. Here are some Muscari bulbs springing up in winter.

Some other fun growth I spotted were the fungi loving all the wet, cold weather.

Enemy Number Two is this camellia shrub that needs to find its way to another dimension. I’ll be inviting it to not live here in 2023.
The brambles and their trellises need some work–I’ll get them organized before spring.
This is somewhat shocking–the Calibrachoa plants in the driveway pots do not seem to have been impacted by the deep freeze at all!
They are still putting out buds, too–we may have January flowers!

Autumn Color and Holiday Cactus

We had freezing or near-freezing temperatures in early November and I expected all the tree leaves would have changed color then. Many waited, though, until this past week and there are still some spectacularly showy trees around the neighborhood.

Two Japanese maples in our woodland garden last week.
Brilliant color and texture from these two beauties.
And then there was a windy, rainy weekend, and here are those same leaves just a few days later–not a leaf left on the trees!
Here’s our new little buddy exploring all the fallen leaves.
Not a great photo, but this Japanese maple just a block away is gorgeous–and didn’t lose all its leaves yet.
My Thanksgiving cactus is blooming at the right time. This is a particularly colorful cultivar.

Arboretum Walk

Brother Tim and I renewed our family autumn arboretum walk tradition last weekend. We had a glorious, sunny day and there was a lot to see and many seeds followed us home.

Tim surprised by hardy palm trees!
Gorgeous Stewartia trunk and leaves.
Camellia flower.
Camellia in full bloom.
Camellia flower close-up.
Styrax obassia–very cool trunk.
Lots of fall foliage colors.
Stewartia flower.
Fantastic Cyclamen leaves and pretty flowers.
I think Nerine sarniensis, the Guernsey Lily.
Lovely view of maples and others.
As we left, we spotted this hardy Scheflerra, usually a tropical species, blooming late and spectacularly.
The light was beautiful on the autumn-flushed leaves.

I planted all the seeds that followed me home in pots this weekend to scarify them and see what comes up in the next year or two.

Many of my tonsai starts came from similar annual trips. And this rose, with which I have a love/hate relationship, came from an arboretum seed decades ago.

This is a robust and maleficent marauder, seeding around my garden and likely others, but it has beautiful, cheerful hips in the fall.

Finally, Rain!

After an arid summer and early autumn, the rain came yesterday and is forecasted to stay for about ten more days, at least! The air is finally cleared of the anxiety-inducing smoke from the local wildfires and the plants are all voicing deep sighs of relief.

Today was a fun day spent in the greenhouse between bouts of computer work. There are some fun things blooming or preparing to bloom in there.

Plectranthus blooming better than ever because of the long, hot summer.
Begonia blooming well–I think this is Honeysuckle.
Nicotiana alata–this long-time greenhouse resident got off to a late start this year but is providing lots of scenic beauty and scent now.
Thanksgiving cactus that might actually bloom at Thanksgiving!
So many Clivia plants need to be moved into the greenhouse next month!
Euchomis blooming and setting seeds.

There is a lot of general cleanup to do in there and lots of propagation, too. I took cuttings of salvia, fuchsia, and pelargoniums–lots and lots of pelargoniums! The frustration with pelargoniums is that they have excellent cutting material now, in the fall, but it isn’t really a great time to propagate them. The success rate on the cuttings can be really low. I’m hoping if I take better care of them in the next six weeks or so, they will do better than in years past.

Foliage colors have been sad this year, more brown than bright. But my tonsai trees have some brilliance despite their diminutive sizes.

Summer Garden Photos

One geranium leaf wanted to stand out. Success!
Eryngium seedling in its third year is really spectacular.
It took the Shasta daisies a couple of years to really get going. They are very showy this year.
Very cute dwarf lavender in the memory garden.
Sweet cherries from the tree near the driveway–we got a few pounds of cherries this year!
Rose “Souvenir de St. Annes” is a favorite–growing in a pot and has a spicy, moss-rose fragrance.
Austin rose, “Olivia”

Garden Update

With the travel to London and Lodi in May/June, I haven’t spent enough time in the garden and indeed no time writing about it. I’ll drop a bunch of photos here, though, as there is a lot going on that is lovely and new in the yard this year.

Allium blooming in the memory garden.
Kniphofia blooming in the memory garden.
The Shasta daisies are huge this year and full of buds.
Peach-leaved bellflowers have such a perfect blue-purple color.
Giant orchid cactus flower. The plant just had one flower so it was particularly large.
More allium flowers.
One of the David Austin roses in the orchard garden.
Cameras never get the color of this rose quite right. It is electric scarlet.
Wild Treasure blackberries have a lot of berries coming on!
Single white peony among the hardy geraniums.
There were lots of native bees in the Santa Barbara daisy flowers on this warm day.
I never got to prune this rambler back in the spring and now it is covered in super-fragrant flowers.
I plan to cut it back when the flowers are mostly done.
Native Sidalcea in the native plant garden–grown from seed and blooming in the second year.
Late tulip flowers in the memory garden.
Different alliums in the memory garden.
Heuchera “Firefly” flowers among the oriental poppies.
The Santa Barbara daisies (Erigeron karvinskianus) in the memory garden with columbines blooming behind.
The seed-grown oriental poppies are doing well in the memory garden and had many more flowers this year.
Blackberry flowers in the orchard garden.
Native honeysuckle at the edge of the woods at Ingraham High School.
Geranium sanguineum in the memory garden.
Geranium patens.
Sedum and Madrona seedling.
Oldest oriental poppy started over 25 years ago and still blooms every year.
One year ago, this is what the sad office houseplant looked like!
Here is the Spathiphyllum in my Cardea office after one year.
Tonsai rose flowering.
Tonsai rose after leafing out.
Cutest baby bunny found its way into our yard and hung out with me while I rearranged my Tonsais.
Lovely iris flower.
Naughty bunny on the lawn.
Arboretum rose from seedling.