Weekend planning

We’re expecting a nice day in Seattle today, so I will write some of my weekend plans here quickly  as I enjoy coffee and a kale smoothie.  It seems likely there won’t be any blogging time later in this busy weekend, but I’d need to be working in the garden and greenhouse, not writing about it!

My goals for the weekend:

  • Clean up the raspberry bed at the front of the orchard garden;  just remove the old canes and cut back the tops of the remaining canes if needed and fertilize
  • Prune back the butterfly bushes on the side of the orchard bed
  • Fertilize the orchard trees/bushes/vines
  • Collect all the hardy plants from the greenhouse and plant/move them outside–ferns to the Doug fir bed and other plants to pot shelves or garden, as appropriate;  need to free up space for the seedlings
  • Transplant seedlings, especially the campanulas and lathyrus
  • Organize the greenhouse better and get all the seedling trays up on top shelves where they’ll get better light
  • Weed the bed in front of the greenhouse  and the raised herb bed there
  • Trim back the Tuscan kale plants to get the flowers off them and force new, big leaves
  • Move some of the excess yard waste into the empty yard waste containers for pick-up on Thursday

Regarding the Doug fir bed that I cleaned out last weekend, I did order some plants to fill it this week.  An Ebay seller had a mystery fern pack, so I ordered those, along with some Dutchman’s Breeches and Virginia Bluebells.  I have found it tough to get many plants established in this bed (except the thug geranium), but I’ll make sure to work some compost and organic fertilizer in and hopefully that will help.

Off to get it done–let’s see if I’m over ambitious!