Cape Primrose Repotting

The rain and cold came back today, so I spent much less time outside.  I did manage to plant some tomato seeds inside and to repot all of the Streptocarpus (Cape Primroses) in the greenhouse.  I’m pretty stubborn with those plants.  I refuse to give them bigger pots, so I root pruned them substantially and added some really rich soil to the pots that included about 40% composted steer manure and a healthy dose of organic fertilizer.

Streptocarpus blooming last fall.

One of the plants had rotted, but there were two decent leaves left, so I used them as leaf cuttings.  Another plant had divided so much that it had completely filled the top of the soil with plants.  I cut that one in half and sawed some of the roots away from both halves before potting them in the magic mix.  Another pot had an amaryllis seedling started in it with a decent sized bulb.  I potted that on separately.

I think this was the cultivar that died back but left me with two leaf cuttings.

I have about eight pots of Cape Primroses now, not including the five or six eBay leaf cuttings that I started last fall/winter that I’ll work to pot on next weekend.

Here is one of the eBay cultivars–would love to get this one to bloom!