More seeds planted and seedlings

I am on track with my seed starting so far this year. I soaked and planted five more species this past Saturday. Most of these seeds were purchased from and I’m borrowing their photos here. They are:

Urodon dasyphyllus
Daviesia latifolia
Swainsona stipularis
Caralluna russelliana
Acacia redolens prostrata
Seeds available at

I bought a bunch of the Acacia seeds to share with friends Arliss and Mike go fight some erosion at their home in Parker, Arizona. I’m trying to grow some myself, too, so I can tell them how to start them.

A nasty white mold was forming on the soil of my seed pots after a few days, but I scraped it off and added some lights, and that seems to have done the trick.

The first seeds to come up are the Hardenbergias–about five or six of them are showing so far! I’m hoping to pass some seedlings to brother Tim to try outside in West Seattle.