Plant-A-DAy 2020 (Day 18) Acacia Baileyana “Purpurea”

These are young, fun plants–I grew them from seed last year. The seeds came from Australian Seeds. By following the germination suggestions, I had good results and ended up with a few seedlings, which are now more like saplings!

Here are some photos of the progress of these plants from the time they were started a year ago:

Acacia baileyana is a classic cool greenhouse plant. It supposedly blooms when fairly young and can be kept at a reasonable size. Twice before I tried to get seeds to start and failed, so I’m pretty thrilled to have year-old trees that are eighteen inches tall. The foliage is elegant, but the purple tinge that the seedlings showed when young has faded. I suspect that the greenhouse is too shady to bring out the “purpurea” genes.

2020 plans for these plants will be to pot them up in half potting soil, half sand and feed them well in the spring. They will go outside once winter leaves for good, probably in a sunny spot on the driveway, where they may once again find their purple genes.