Plant-A-Day 2020 (Day 25) Albuca setosa

The Day 25 plants are some very old bulbs that I started from seed about 25 years ago. The seeds came from Thompson and Morgan. The bulbs grew well but didn’t do a lot for several years and I probably didn’t take the best care of them, as I had very little knowledge about bulbous plant care or the genus Albuca. But then they bloomed one year, and not only are the flowers intricate and fascinating, but they are slightly, sweetly scented. Irresistible! I’ve taken better care of them in the last ten years or so and they bloom regularly.

Probably the most unusual feature is the fibrous covering all over the bulbs, even above the soil line. You can see it in the photo above and in the following photo I took of the mostly dormant bulbs just a few days ago.

You can also see that the bulbs have grown and stretched the pot out of shape. After they flower this year I will move them into a larger, nicer pot in a nice succulent mix with some organic matter and organic fertilizer and see how they do.