Plant-A-Day 2020 (Day 34) Chaemaedorea elegans

I purchased this little palm in early 2018 when I was at a different office and had no window. I was setting up a terrarium. The pot of palms arrived (2.5″ pot) with three little palm seedlings. Two of them passed on to the compost pile in the sky, but the third one has done well for me. It never made it into a terrarium, but I’ve kept it as an office plant and potted it on a few times.

As of this writing in February 2020, the palm is about twice as tall as it was in this photograph. It just chugs along, adding palm leaves one after the other and getting taller.

This plant is potted in a general organic potting mix and I water it about twice a week. I feed it with an organic fertilizer spike in the spring and diluted orchid food may find it incidentally a few times a year.

I don’t have much planned for this plant in 2020 other than to let it grow and hope that it gets some new stems from the roots and maybe a flower spike one day.

As of 2.17.20