Plant-A-Day 2020 (Day 71) Angel Wing Begonia

Another plant gifted me from brother Tim, this amazing begonia can really put on a show. I probably have had this clone for fifteen years or so. When I’ve taken good care of it, it has topped out over four feet tall. Last year, even though it didn’t grow tall, it bloomed mightily. There isn’t an unattractive part of this plant. The leaves are spectacular in their color, with reddish tones and white spots. Their angel wing shape and graceful placement add to the effect. The stems are bamboo-like and can feature bright greens and reddish hues. The flowers are reddish-pink and are an interesting shape and held in huge clusters.

My 2020 plans for this plant are to pot it up into a larger container with rich soil and fertilizer and watch it grow!