Plant-A-Day 2020 (Day 107) Elaeagnus multiflora, Goumi Berry

Here is an easy food plant to grow. I just have one shrub of this prolific berry plant and most years it produces more than berries than I can use. The plant is attractive on its own, with good foliage and interesting flowers in April and gorgeous, jewel-like berries in the summer. The berries have a tart, acidic flavor and a large pit, but they are still worth eating or putting in smoothies and desserts. The berries have a lot of lycopene, which is a health booster, along with vitamins A and E.

I’m going to try to propagate this plant in 2020 so I can share it with others and maybe add another one or two in containers around the yard. It looks like semi-softwood cuttings in July/August should be successful. I don’t fertilize it because I don’t want it to grow too much more–it is about the right size now.