Plant-A-Day 2020 (Day 183) Tradescantia pallida

This is a somewhat common houseplant and also a poplular groundcover in warmer areas of the world. My plants aren’t as purple as I’ve seen in photos due to a lack of bright sun, but they do grow vigorously, providing trailing stems and some lovely pink flowers now and again. Leon brought my original cutting back from his cousin Brenda’s house about six years ago. It was never on my wish list, but now I have about eight of them, as they are so easy to propagate and it feels so wasteful to throw trimmings away!

In 2020, I’m using these as foliage plants around the patio–I cut them back hard in early spring and potted them into better, fertile soil in larger pots. They are leafing out abundantly now and adding some lush purply-green to our back yard oasis.