Plant-A-Day 2020 (Day 200) Solanum burbankii

The miraculous wonderberry started as a fun seed starting experiment and has stayed with me through self-seeding for five or six years now. One of the wonders of wonderberries is how seedlings come up in the worst soil in the dryest raised bed and still manage to thrive and produce sweet berries.

Solanum is a fun plant family, with odd poisonous, prickly, edible, and ornamental members. I was very happy to be able to germinate the wonderberry seeds and grow some on to produce berries. The berries are beautiful and sweet and the plants produce them right up until frost.

My 2020 plans for these plants are to water the volunteers that have come up in the raised garlic bed and to nurture one that came up in a pot in the greenhouse. They are really such generous, easy plants–having them around makes me smile.