Plant-A-Day 2020 (Day 210) Buddleia davidii “White Profusion”

I’m guessing this B. davidii cultivar is White Profusion, but I’m not exactly sure. I don’t remember where or when I got this shrub that I planted along the north property line, now bordering the orchard garden. I’m guessing it was at least fifteen years ago. The shrub is pretty big now and produces very full flower clusters of a clean white–but only white for a week or so and then they pass on to brown.

One reason to grow B. davidii is that it normally attracts some great pollinators. It isn’t called Butterfly Bush for nothing. Maybe because mine are in a shady area now, I don’t see as many pollinators as I’d like. B. davidii is a noxious alien weed here in Seattle, To my knowledge, however, mine is a sterile hybrid–I haven’t ever seen a seedling.

Keeping this shrub controlled is challenging–it has several thick trunks. I cut it back pretty ruthlessly every spring. I’ll keep doing that going forward and maybe try to prune it again after a few months to get flowers at a lower level–those in the photos are above six feet, and the shrub is shooting up to fifteen feet!