Plant-A-Day 2020 (Day 211) Monarda citriodora

Native to the US, but not to Seattle, this mint relative known as lemon mint has a subtle beauty and a snappy fragrance to its leaves. I grew these plants from seed years ago and I have a fond memory of being surprised late in the season when they finally bloomed–they weren’t spectacular, but the flowers and bracts are pretty and they last a long time.

This year’s plants were started from seeds early and eventually put out on the patio and the head of the driveway. The patio plants have been happier with partial shade. The plants in the sunny driveway got to bloom, but then one missed watering and poof! They were fried.

Now that these are blooming, it seems like growing a few more next year to add to the memory garden might be a great idea, as I think pollinators will love them–though they don’t find them back on the patio. This plant is edible, too, so I may add it to a salad or make some tea with it.