Plant-A-Day 2020 (Day 246) Rose “Unknown Cultivar”

Leon purchased this hybrid tea rose as a patio plant about four years ago. It was a gorgeous thing when it got to our house–lush deep green foliage and eventually got amazing, flaming-red flowers. That beauty didn’t last long, sadly, as we couldn’t keep the pot moist enough and the leaves dropped and the flowers disappeared. In the following spring, I planted the rose into the garden in front of the greenhouse, not sure if it would survive. But later that first year, it had a few flowers, and since then it has grown bigger and better every year.

This year, this rose became a conversation point with the neighbors on whose property line it resides. It had a HUGE cluster of laser-bright flowers that likely was visible from the space station. The neighbors struggle to appreciate the messy chaos of my gardens, but this rose–they could appreciate this rose!

The shrub had another flush of blooms in August, not as showy as the first giant flush.

My future plans for this plant are to keep it trimmed, fed, and watered to hopefully get even more big heads of flowers next year.