Plant-A-Day 2020 (Day 325) Digitalis hybrids

Foxgloves are growing wild around Seattle and I grew up knowing their name and seeing them in all the abandoned fields and old gravel roads when we’d venture on walks or drives. The wild one here is Digitalis purpurea. I have grown that and hybrids of it in the garden here for years, including the quick-blooming “Foxy” strain, and a mix that I recently got from Chiltern’s in England.

I put some seedlings from the Chiltern’s mix in the memory garden last year. They didn’t bloom fully, as I think they were too young, but they will bloom big in 2021. I hope they don’t block any of the flowering bulbs that are planted underneath.

My future plans for foxgloves are to pretty much ignore them. As non-native invaders, I’ll let these bloom and then eliminate them. There may be a few seedlings to deal with down the road, of course, but these plants haven’t been weedy for me, just pretty and polite.