Plant-A-Day 2020 (Day 359) Dioscorea bulbifera

I ordered “potatoes” to start potato vines about seven years ago from eBay. The first year, they hardly grew and the resulting vines were really attractive and tame. However, it is easy to see the marauding nature of these vines and their ease of self propagation, to I didn’t plant any in the garden. They found homes in pots on the patio with taller plants they can climb on.

They’ve grown larger and even had bulbs in the leaf axils in the subsequent years. The leaves are wonderful–the vein pattern and texture are fantastic.

The leaves in the photo belong to D. bulbifera, but the flowers belong to Sinningia tubiflora.

My future plans for these plants are to feed them a little better with Jobe’s organic plant spikes and try to get more robust growth on them.