Plant-A-Day 2020 (Day 366) Allium ampeloprasum var. ampeloprasum

Here it is–my last Plant-A-Day entry! And who gets the last highlight? Elephant garlic! A friend of ours gave us starts of these plants five years ago and they’ve grown well in the raised veggie garden full of other, smaller garlic plants. What hasn’t happened, though, is for me to harvest them. They just don’t seem big enough yet to yank them out and eat them!

Elephant garlic is said to be milder than other garlic types and more digestible for those sensitive to garlic. How awful to not be able to digest garlic! But at least this allium is one way to get the flavor in your foods without making you sick.

Below you can see these plants bravely putting forth new growth at the end of December, 2020.

My future plans for these bulbs is to nurture them a bit and divide them so I won’t feel so frightened of harvesting them next year!