Happy Valley and Back Home

Spring is so overwhelming with all the exquisite flowers and the burst of leaves around us here in the Northwest. I took a trip to Happy Valley, Oregon to visit friends this weekend and saw some gorgeous blooms.

Clematis glimpsed on a neighborhood walk.
Parrot tulip I planted back in late November.
Lovely ornamental hawthorn.

I landed home and the garden jumped ahead of me again–so many things blooming or preparing to bloom.

These gorgeous bouquet tulips in my yard are over three weeks old and still very showy.
These opened as soft yellow flowers and have aged to this fiery magenta hue.
Eryngium “Blaukappe” seedling blooming in its third year.
Native Nootka rose in the memory garden.
Veronica in the memory garden.
Many columbines are blooming in the memory garden, but this is probably my favorite–a big, clean-looking white one.
The golden chain tree in the pot by the greenhouse (likely rooted through the pot and into the ground) is blooming. These plants are pretty invasive. Pretty, and invasive.