Mid-June Updates

As always, May and June are the busiest garden months with dozens of plants in bloom. So, I’ll just drop some photos and captions here to try to stay on top of some of the highlights.

Sinningia leuchotricha just getting going in the greenhouse.
Fantastic leaves! So much shiny hair on their surface as they unfurl.
The caudex has gotten really large on this plant. It makes me worry because this plant’s parent was about this big when it decided to not come out of dormancy ever again.
There should be a good crop of orangy-red flowers in a month.
Only one of the peonies in the memory garden bloomed this year–this single white one.
I took a new job at Cardea Services and inherited this sad plant, left pretty helpless through the COVID-19 lockdown. I’ve pruned it back and watered it well–we’ll see whether it will be resurrected.
Always impressive, this Epiphyllum from brother Tim had three big flowers this year. It doesn’t bloom very often for me–I don’t have the culture quite right.
This Antirrhinum was a surprise, providing all these flowers this year. It has bloomed before, but usually just a few mousy flowers. I fed it pretty well last year and left it outside all winter in a dry spot under the eaves. That seemed to suit it.
Possibly the worst-photographing rose in t he world. This bright orange-red hybrid is blooming well again this year. It puts on a great show consistently. Neon bright!
The phone camera just doesn’t know what to do with this color!
The Peony almost fully blown–but still lovely.
All three orchid cactus flowers opened at once.
Culinary sage flowers blooming in the same bed as the neon rose.
A brilliant red Hippeastrum blooming. I don’t remember the cultivar name of this one, but it is gorgeous and graceful.
It’s voodoo lily season–blooming in the Douglas fir bed and spreading its carrion smell along the sidewalk. Neighbors must wonder what we’re up to.
A rose from Leon’s mother. No idea which cultivar this might be. It is not very fragrant, but the memories are the important thing.