Transplanting and Blooming

The dahlia, forget-me-not, and gaura seedlings were large enough to transplant so I potted them on a few weeks ago. There were 25 dahlias, 13 gauras, and far too many FMNs. I found space for the dahlias and gauras in the greenhouse, but only a few FMNs ended up there and the rest were pretty roughly transplanted in clumps to pots and placed outside. No time for delicate hardening off–just popped them into cold soil and into a cold world with my best wishes for their continued success. Next week’s temperatures will dip into the 20s–I’m hoping the usually hardy Myosotis will handle the cold alright. I want to get them planted out under the tulips in the memory garden. I’m not sure they’ll grow fast enough to make the spectacular show I envision. I’ll try, though.

The happiest early spring blooms have come from the little iris bulbs I forced in the refrigerator. I planted them in November and started pulling them from the fridge in January. The first pots took a few weeks to bloom and some bulbs were blind. Subsequent pots were more successful.

The greenhouse doesn’t have a lot blooming–just this holiday cactus.

I picked some flowers outside for a cute arrangement in the house last weekend.

The outdoor plants believe that spring is here–especially in some of the warmer areas around the city. Here are some cheerful photos from my wanders around the city.