I spent some time in the greenhouse this weekend and found a few happy surprises.
First of all, sister Cate had sent me a link to the snowdrops blooming in British gardens and I realized I should check out my own. Sure enough, in the first week in January, they were already in bloom, the bravest of all garden bulbs.

The first Clivia blooms have made an appearance! This seedling is blooming for the first time. I found it under the bench and so the color is maybe not fully developed yet. Within a few more days the color should adjust to the true hues. So far, though, it looks to be a peachy yellow, which might be really nice.

I dug this precocious plant out from under the bench and watered it well. I’ll get more photos as the full flowers open in the coming weeks.
Just as I was ready to give up on Cymbidium orchids due to poor blooming, my plants are all spiking this year! I fed them better than I had in the past and I think that made a difference.

If I can keep the mold and mildew away, these should produce some amazing flowers. I am guessing there will be seven or eight spikes in all, maybe more.
Lastly, also in the greenhouse, the Veltheimia bracteata bulbs have flower spikes coming, too! Their buds are beautifully intricate even before the flowers open. I need to get some magnified photos of them in the next few day.