I purchased this plant in 2018 under an old name, Primulina, but it seems to be Chirita now, so I’m listing it that way here. I ordered my plant off of eBay and have grown it in my TeamChild office from the beginning. The plant was in bloom when it landed as a little start. It has grown well and bloomed well ever since.
My favorite things about this plant are that it seems easy to please, it blooms prolifically through the warmer months, and I love the way the flowers develop in an alien-looking bud that then splits up to have multiple flowers on long stems.
This plant grows easily from leaf cuttings so I have a few clones of it, as well. Strangely, one of the flowers also was pollinated and set seeds, so I sprinkled the seeds on some soil in a solo cup with a clear solo cup on top. I never thought this would go anywhere, but within a few weeks, I could see tiny seedlings–lots of them. I moved about 15 of them to a solo cup of their own and they are now growing on slowly–they are at about the two-leaf stage now. If all goes well, I expect to have 20 Chirita tamiana plants to share.

For the care of this plant, I give it bright indirect light. It seems happiest going a bit dry between waterings. It is potted in a general organic potting soil. I feed it orchid food and organic fertilizer spikes in the growing season.