Easter Update

As usual, spring has taken me mostly by surprise. And here it is April already! One benefit of the garden is that is gives context to time passing. No matter how busy life gets with non-gardening tasks, just looking outside and seeing the forsythia in full bloom and the tulips brightly shining tells me that we are crossing over from winter to spring.

The greenhouse has timing all its own tied to the way the temperature and light have landed inside those walls. Apparently, the Pleione orchids have been happy with all of it–they are blooming remarkably well this year.

The new tulips along the sidewalk near the memory garden are coming into bloom. One is a species tulip and the other are hybrids that were planted pretty late but didn’t seem to mind.

Here is a holiday cactus in the greenhouse that is blooming late but madly. The color is a bit much for me, but it can’t be ignored.

Spring is confirmed by the blooming of the Forsythia along the driveway, as well as the Corylopsis.