Some Greenhouse and Garden Photos

I’m super excited that two of the Clivia plants blooming in the greenhouse are light yellow! They also have a graceful form of flowers. I think this is the first time for both of them to bloom.

More and more things are blooming in the greenhouse, too.

Every day finds more things blooming in the garden, too, despite the cold nights and late-ish spring.

Aquilegia formosa seedlings–native columbines. I’ve since potted these up–there were about two dozen of them.
Symphyotrichum subspicatus, or Douglas aster, seedlings in pots on shelves by the greenhouse. These little guys are growing very slowly, while the parent plants are spreading madly in the native plant garden.
A pot of hyacinths left over from last year are scenting the potting area and looking great.
A giant batch of tulips in the bed in front of the greenhouse. These have put on quite a show.
Erodium “Sweetheart” is putting on an amazing bloom display in the memory garden.
A closeup of the “Sweetheart” flowers–very charming.
The cousin, Geranium macrorrhizum is also starting its fairly short bloom cycle.
Aubrieta ‘Snowdrift’ living up to its name.
It won’t be long before the coral bells are ablaze with scarlet scapes.
Invasive weed, Lamium purpureum, was one of my favorite plants as a kid. We had no idea it wasn’t native. It bloomed early and had the pretty purple leaves and stems.

More photos from today of the garden and greenhouse.

Sweet olive hybrid blooming on the patio. The fragrance even surpasses fifteen years of cumulative dog uring!
Clematis alpina clone about to bloom on the back fence.
Cyclamen coum seed stems are a hoot–look at the curls and twists!
Another view
Incarvillea seedlings finally getting some growth on. The greenhouse is getting up to 80 degrees now and the seedlings all appreciate it!
Tiny Heuchera seedlings–I have about 18 of these little fellas–hoping to get some interesting leaf colors. This is a breeder’s hybrid mix.
Pleione formosana still blooming in the greenhouse.
The red-flowered currants I added to the native plant garden one year ago have flowers on them! I thought I might have cut the flowers off when I took cuttings off the top of each plant, but they found a way to bloom regardless.
Gorgeous and sassy male crab spider in a potted plant by the greenhouse. What a stunning little creature.
Asian pear flowers.
Mahonia angustifolia blooming in the native plant garden–really full flower stalks.
Brunnera ‘Alexander’s Great’ is blooming in the Douglas fir bed. One of my favorite flowers, and the leaves grow into a remarkable dome by the summer.
Geranium pyrenaicum “Bill Wallis” has seeded itself prodigiously in the memory garden–a maleficent marauder if ever there was one. But the flowers make me smile.
One of the native columbine transplants showing a true leaf. I’m very excited to have a bunch of these in the native plant garden–I should be able to plant these out in fall for bloom next year.